The Guardians of Sol Read online

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  All Castigars make use of the heaviest rated power armors available.

  The Engineering corps is the true backbone of the Guardian warhorse. These men and women build, design, and maintain almost all Guardian Corps equipment. Engineers make use of whatever rate of armor is required, but usually wear the lightest rated power armor.

  The Sentinel is the supreme commander of all Guardian forces, but often acts through and is advised by the military council. The council is comprised of the senior most members of each Corps. There are five members on the council with the Vindicator Corps doubly represented. The Venator councilmember receives the rank of Inquisitor. The Vindicator representatives are a Field Marshal and Grand Admiral. The Castigar councilman also receives the rank of Field Marshal. The fifth member is the Master Builder representing the Engineering Corps. The military council may countermand any directive that affects the Guardian Corps by a three-fifths majority vote. That option is, however, very rarely used.

  On The Swordmaster Program

  The Swordmaster program was instituted for two reasons. The first was to produce better soldiers and better people, in general. The second was to provide an easy reference for the general skill levels of personnel. The latter reason being useful to commanders who might know nothing else about the men they’ve been assigned.

  The Swordmaster program includes general knowledge courses for all Guardian personnel and extensive technical programs for Engineers. The program places extra importance upon three areas. Combat proficiency and expertise; Strategic, tactical, and leadership skills, and philosophical thought. To move from one level of the program to another a Guardian must meet certain minimum standards in all three areas.

  The Swordmaster program is divided into ten tiers, with a higher number denoting less ability than a higher number. Only those individuals who have reached the first tier of ability are allowed to be called and to call themselves Swordmasters. There is one final tier in the program that, while not a secret, is generally only known to true Swordmasters. This 0-tier or hidden tier consists of the seven greatest Swordsmasters in the Corps. A small tournament is held every few years to determine who these Swordmasters are, and the winners are awarded with the monomolecular-edged blades created by one of the Sentinel’s armorers.

  While the teachings of the combat oriented areas in the program are quite similar to those of other nations, it is the philosophical emphasis that truly sets the Swordmaster program apart. The philosophical courses serve a dual purpose in shaping the minds and souls of Swordmasters. The first purpose is to create a frame of mind that can deal with civilian life and military life almost interchangeably to reduce post-combat mental traumas that have been common throughout history. Counseling programs are still available when needed. The second purpose is to channel the mental processes in such a way that the practitioner may attain the ability to enter the hyperaware meditative state that makes true Swordmasters absolutely deadly in combat.